In contemporary multimedia production, the integration of closed captions and subtitles has witnessed a significant surge in popularity. These textual overlays serve a multifaceted purpose, from conveying supplementary information to providing invaluable translations. Beyond their utilitarian functions, captions and subtitles have also evolved into indispensable tools for enhancing the overall quality of video content. Among their crucial roles is facilitating clarity and accessibility, ensuring the content is comprehensible and inclusive for all audiences.

Fortunately, to alleviate this complexity and aid you in making well-informed choices, we have meticulously curated a comprehensive list of our preferred fonts tailored explicitly for subtitles and captions. These fonts have been thoughtfully selected to cater to various content needs, ensuring you can confidently select the perfect font for your forthcoming projects. Whether you aim to align your visual aesthetics with your brand or create a more inclusive viewing experience, our font recommendations guide you toward the ideal typographical fit.

What are Subtitles and Captions?

Image Credit: Wavel AI

Subtitles and captions are text-based elements added to video content to provide additional information or context to viewers. While they serve similar purposes, there are some critical differences between the two:

1. Subtitles:

  Subtitles are primarily intended for viewers who may not understand the language in the video.

  They typically translate the dialogue or spoken content into a different language.

 Subtitles are often used in foreign films or videos where the spoken language differs from the target audience’s.

 They are usually shown at the bottom of the screen and are synchronized with the audio, so viewers can read along as they listen to the dialogue.

2. Captions:

Captions, conversely, are designed to provide a textual representation of all audio content in a video, including dialogue, sound effects, and background noises.

They are primarily used to make video content user-friendly to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, as well as to improve comprehension for viewers in noisy environments or situations where the audio cannot be heard.

Captions include not only the spoken words but also descriptions of other audio cues, such as [music], [applause], [thunder], etc.

They are typically more comprehensive than subtitles and provide a complete text representation of all audio elements in the video.

Why are Subtitles and Captions so important?

Why are Subtitles and Captions so important?
Image Credit: Wavel AI

The main point of including subtitles and captions font in your videos is that they are user-friendly.

Not only will adding closed captions mean that those who are deaf and have difficulty hearing can enjoy your video audio content, but they can also help non-native speakers understand what is being said.

Adding subtitles to your video may not be optional. Some platforms, such as those in the educational industry, will only let you swill your video with this. 

Also, as film festivals and streaming platforms amend their agreements to demand content creators to provide captions, these text tools will become more than simply a “nice to have.” They will need to compete in an expanding media market. 

Finally, adding subtitles to your English-language videos aids in the localization of that material for worldwide audiences. If you want to reach new audiences or expand your brand into other markets, video localization is a simple and cost-effective approach to reach thousands of new viewers.

Whatever the objective of your video material, it’s better not to leave your success to chance, and including subtitles and closed captions puts you on an equal and maximum footing with other players in your sector. To maximize the chances of your sucess you can even ask a video production startup to handle your video material.

How Do You Pick Fonts For Captions And Subtitles?

Image Credit: Wavel AI

Selecting the right fonts for captions and subtitles can be overwhelming, given the variety of factors available in modern editing software. Many editing programs offer an extensive selection of fonts in their basic pre-installed packages and as downloadable custom fonts, which can be overwhelming for novice video editors. To make an informed choice and ensure that your captions and subtitles effectively convey your message without distracting from the video, consider the following guidelines:

  1. Clarity Without Distraction: Look for clear and legible fonts from other on-screen information, whether visual or textual.

2. Manageable Font Size: Ensure that your chosen font size strikes a balance—large enough to be easily read but not so large that it encroaches excessively on the video frame. Additionally, be mindful of how fonts behave when bolded or italicized to prevent issues like bleeding.

3. Avoid Overly Stylish Fonts: Steer clear of fonts that are overly trendy or stylish but may sacrifice practicality and readability.
4. Brand or Theme Alignment: Choose fonts that align with your brand’s style guidelines, including the theme of your video content. Consistency in font choice across all your video content can reinforce your branding, creating a strong visual connection with your brand logo.

While adding outlines or drop-shadows can enhance text visibility, your font choice remains a critical decision in the process. Experimentation and visual testing can be valuable tools in narrowing down your options.

To simplify your font selection process, we have compiled a list of recommended fonts for subtitles and captions to kickstart your search.

What are the best fonts For Captions and Subtitles?

What are the best fonts For Captions and Subtitles?
Image Credit: Wavel AI

The choice of fonts for subtitles and captions can often be a matter of personal preference and the specific context of your video. However, certain font styles are widely favored for their clarity and suitability. Here is a selection of recommended fonts for captions and subtitles, along with insights to help you make an informed decision:

1. Lucida Grande:

 Lucida Grande is a straightforward sans-serif font readily available in Adobe Premiere Pro CC. It offers simplicity and clarity, making it a solid choice for captions in Adobe Premiere Pro.

2. Arial:

 Arial, another sans-serif font, is a safe and simple option suitable for captions and subtitles. It’s best to avoid overly flashy fonts for this purpose, and Arial fits the bill.

 For a bolder option, consider “Arial Black,” but be cautious when using it with longer sentences, as it can appear bulky.

3. STIXGeneral:

 STIXGeneral, a serif font, is a sophisticated choice often preferred for subtitles in documentaries and video journalism. Its formal appearance works well for titles and white text on black backgrounds, enhancing exposition and storytelling.

There may be better choices for videos with extensive text or light scenes, where they might need to be more legible.


 Verdana is a modern, sturdy serif font suitable for various projects. It’s particularly fitting for technology and innovation themes, where a clean and tight appearance is desirable.

  It doesn’t take up only the tiny bottom of the screen, making it suitable for short films and sci-fi projects.

5. Helvetica Neue:

 Helvetica Neue is a versatile font with over 10 variations in Premiere Pro. This diversity allows you to choose the proper spacing for your text in various situations, making it a practical choice.

6. Times:

Times, like Times New Roman, is a straightforward serif font. It’s considered a reliable choice for subtitles due to its simplicity and familiarity, offering viewers a non-distracting reading experience.

7. Futura:

Futura is a flexible sans-serif font suitable for various applications. It maintains clarity and visibility on different backgrounds, making it an excellent choice for movie subtitles and presentation videos.

Consider using the condensed typeface version when you must fit a substantial amount of text into a limited space.

Determining the Ideal Font Size for Subtitles

Determining the Ideal Font Size for Subtitles
Image Credit: Wavel AI

Selecting the correct font size for subtitles is a crucial aspect that can impact your audience’s viewing experience. The optimal best font for subtitles  size ensures the text is legible and unobtrusive, enhancing comprehension without distracting from the visual content. Here are some considerations for determining the ideal font size for subtitles:

  • Readability: The foremost consideration is readability. Best Subtitle font should be large enough to be comfortably read without straining the viewer’s eyes. A font size that is too small can frustrate viewers and make your content less accessible.
  • Screen Size: The size of the computer screen plays a crucial role in font size selection. You can use a lightly smaller subtitle font size on larger screens, while on smaller screens (e.g., mobile devices), subtitles may need to be more significant for clear visibility.
  • Distance from the Viewer: Consider the typical viewing distance between the screen and the viewer. If your content is primarily viewed on television, the subtitle font size may differ from content intended for online streaming or mobile devices.
  • Font Style: The choice of best font for subtitles  style can also influence the ideal font size. Some rare fonts may appear smaller or larger than others at the same point size due to character design and spacing differences.
  • Content Complexity: The complexity of your content matters. If your subtitles contain lengthy sentences or technical terms, you may need a larger best subtitle font size to accommodate readability.
  • Aesthetic Balance: While readability is crucial, striking a balance with the overall visual aesthetics of your video is also essential. Ensure the best subtitle font size doesn’t dominate the screen or clash with the video’s style.

B. Factors Impacting Font Size Choices

Several factors can impact your font size choices for subtitles and captions font :

  • Language: Different languages may require varying best subtitle font sizes to maintain readability. Languages with complex characters or scripts might necessitate larger font sizes.
  • Accessibility: Consider the needs of viewers with visual impairments. Following accessibility guidelines may require a specific minimum best subtitle font size to ensure inclusivity.
  • Platform Requirements: Some streaming platforms or distribution channels have specific guidelines for subtitle font size. Ensure compliance with these requirements if you intend to share your content on such media.
  • Target Audience: Understand your target audience’s demographics. Younger viewers may prefer smaller, modern fonts, while older audiences may require more extensive, more traditional fonts for better readability.
  • Content Genre: The genre of your video can influence font size. For instance, action-packed videos may benefit from larger, bold subtitles for impact, while documentaries may use smaller, unobtrusive text.

Why Choose Wavel AI?

Why Choose Wavel AI?
Image Credit: Wavel AI

Wavel AI is a powerful tool that allows you to easily create, customize, and enhance audio and video content. One of its notable features is the ability to add custom fonts to your video subtitles and captions. Custom fonts can help you achieve a unique and branded look for your content, making it stand out and align with your visual identity. Here, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on adding a custom subtitle Font with Wavel AI.

B. Step-by-Step Guide for Adding Custom Fonts

Adding custom fonts to your video subtitles and captions font using Wavel AI is straightforward. Follow these steps to get started:

1. Access Wavel AI:

   – First, access the Wavel AI platform. You may need to create an account or log in if you still need to do so.

2. Upload Your Video:

   – After logging in, upload the video to which you want to add custom fonts. You can easily do this by selecting the “Upload” or “Import” option within the platform.

3. Access the Subtitle/Caption Editor:

   – Navigate to the subtitle or caption editor once your video is uploaded. This is the section of the platform where you can make text-related customizations.

4. Choose the Font Customization Option:

   – Look for the font customization option in the editor. It may be labeled as “Font Selection” or something similar.

5. Upload Your Custom Font:

   – Wavel AI typically allows you to upload your custom font files. Ensure you have the font file (in a supported format) ready for upload. Standard font file formats include .ttf, .otf, or .woff.

6. Select Your Custom Font:

   – After uploading your font, select it from the list of available fonts within the platform.

7. Adjust Font Size and Style:

   – Customize your custom font further by adjusting the font size and style. Depending on the font you’ve uploaded, you may have options for bold, italic, or other style variations.

8. Apply Custom Font to Subtitles/Captions:

   – Once satisfied with your font settings, apply the custom font to your subtitles or captions. This will replace the default font with your custom choice.

9. Preview and Fine-Tune:

   – Before finalizing your custom font, preview your video to ensure the subtitles or captions appear as desired. Make any necessary adjustments to size, style, or placement.

10. Save or Export Your Video:

    – Save or export your video once you’re satisfied with the custom font settings and the overall look of your subtitles or captions. This will generate a version of your video with the custom font applied.

11. Download or Share:

    – Download your video or share it directly from the Wavel AI platform, depending on your preferences.
Adding custom fonts with Wavel AI gives you a personalized and visually appealing look for your video subtitles and captions. It’s a valuable feature for content creators, businesses, and small organizations looking to maintain a consistent brand identity across multimedia content.

What Is the Best Font Size for Subtitles?

Selecting the best font size for subtitles and captions is a nuanced process that depends on the specific goals of your content. Consider the following options when determining the ideal font size:

1. Purpose of the Font:

   – Understand the role of the best font for subtitles  in your content. Is it meant to provide context or convey the entire story? The purpose of the subtitle font can influence your size choice.

2. Balance of Visibility and Subtlety:

   – Strive for a balance where the text is clearly visible but doesn’t distract from the video. The font should complement the visual content rather than dominate it.

3. Accessibility for Poor Eyesight:

   – Ensure that the caption font size is accommodating for viewers with poor eyesight. It should be large enough for them to comfortably read.

4. Avoiding Invasion of the Frame:

   – Avoid using a huge best font for subtitles that invades the video frame. Subtitles and captions should enhance the viewing experience, not obstruct it.

5. Experimentation:

   – Experiment with different small best font for subtitles  sizes and styles to find the right fit for your project. Start with a standard size like 22-point and adjust as needed.

6. Legibility and Clarity:

   – Prioritize legibility and clarity. The font size should allow viewers to scan the text without squinting or straining.

The best font size for subtitles and captions font balances visibility, subtlety, and accessibility. It’s essential to consider the specific requirements of your content and audience while experimenting with different sizes to find the optimal choice for your project. Starting with a 22-point font is a reasonable baseline for legibility and clarity, but adjustments may be necessary based on your unique circumstances.

Best Practices for Readable Captions

To maximize the accessibility and readability of your video captions, it’s essential to follow best practices. Here are some recommendations for creating captions that are easy to read and enhance the overall viewing experience:

1. Left Alignment: Align your text to the left. Left-aligned captions are generally easier to read and follow, creating a consistent starting point for viewers’ eyes.

2. Contrasting Colors: Use colors with strong contrast. For example, use white text on a dark background or black text on a light or dark background. High-contrast colors ensure the text stands out clearly, making it readable for a wider audience.

3. Avoid Distracting Colors: Steer clear of harsh and distracting colors, such as neon or overly vibrant hues. These colors can not only be distracting but may also make the text less legible.

4. Background Blocking: Ensure that captions font  are not obstructed by any on-screen distractions or elements. Captions should have a clear, unobstructed space to be fully visible.

5.Adaptability to Light and Dark Scenes: Consider the visibility of captions in both light and dark scenes. You may need to adjust the font color to maintain readability. For instance, use a white font for dark backgrounds and a black font for light scenes.

6. Font Size and Style: Choose a legible font style and an appropriate font size. Fonts with good readability, even at smaller sizes, are preferable. Avoid overly decorative or complex fonts that may hinder readability.

7. Positioning: Position captions near the lower portion of the screen, where they are less likely to interfere with crucial visual content. However, ensure they are not too close to the bottom edge, as they may get cut off on some displays.

8. Consistency: Maintain consistency in caption formatting throughout your video. Consistent font styles, colors, and positioning enhance the viewing experience.
9. Testing:Before finalizing your captions font , conduct testing with a diverse group of viewers, including those who may benefit from captions (e.g., individuals with hearing impairments). Gather feedback to make any necessary adjustments.

Wrap Up

In summary, subtitles and captions font  are essential tools for enhancing the accessibility, clarity, and inclusivity of video content. They provide accessibility to a diverse audience, improve comprehension, boost SEO, and help content creators reach a global viewership. Following best practices, such as using readable fonts, high contrast, thoughtful positioning, subtitles, and captions, can elevate the quality and impact of videos. We encourage content creators and businesses to embrace the effective use of subtitles and captions to ensure that their content resonates with a broader and more engaged audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is most commonly used for subtitles font by most YouTubers?

   YouTubers often choose different fonts for their subtitles depending on the content genre. While Roboto Medium is the default choice for YouTube platform users, there are various free font options available for selection.

2. Which font is typically used for yellow subtitles font ?

   The classic yellow subtitles in films and videos are often set in Helvetica Medium Italic. However, you have the flexibility to use any font you prefer. Performing a visual test to ensure your chosen font is legible within the frame is essential.

3. What are the best applications for adding captions font  to videos?

   Whether you’re working on a project for Android or iPhone, numerous captioning apps are available. Please refer to our recommendations for a comprehensive list of our favorite subtitle and closed captioning apps.

4. How do I ensure my best font for subtitles are accessible to all viewers?

   To ensure accessibility, provide accurate captions or subtitles for your content. Utilize features like closed captioning and add subtitles in multiple languages for a more inclusive audience experience.

5. Are there any legal requirements for adding captions font to videos?

   In some regions, there are legal requirements to provide video captions font , especially for public content. It’s essential to research and comply with local accessibility laws and guidelines to avoid potential legal issues.