English Subtitles

Create English subtitles for your video automatically. The easiest way to add subtitles in the 1.5 billion-strong language of English is with Wavel.

Wavel how it works

Get Accurate English Subtitles

For every video that is being viewed in English, Wavel AI can add English subtitles. Due to the tool's accuracy rate being at least 99%, you won't have to spend time fixing errors. Your video clip might receive prepared English subtitles with only a few clicks!

Upload your English language video to Wavel's platform either by importing it from a folder or dragging and dropping it into the dashboard.

Wavel Repurpose
Wavel Repurpose

Select ‘Subtitles’ from the menu. Set the language to English , and click ‘Start.’ File with English subtitles generation will now begin.

After the English subtitle file is ready, you can modify the styles and click ‘Export’.

Wavel Repurpose

Add Subtitles to Video | Automatic English Subtitles Generator | YouTube Videos

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Wavel Repurpose

You can click on the ‘Upload’ option on your dashboard where the options, ‘Transcription’, ‘Translation’, and ‘Voice Over' will be available. Once you click ‘Voice Over’, you will have the options upload and paste along with downloadable links and other options to specify your requirements. now you should enable dubbig switch next you can choose Voice Over in the same language of source audio but different accents or request the same in multiple languages.

On your dashboard, if you scroll over the file name, you will see multiple icons. Click on three dots located at the right end, you will see an option to download all the above select respective language and file formate click on download.

Yes, individual sentences have to be picked and voice have to be selected

You can upload any file or number of files as long as they are under 1GB limit.