Creating an interactive video for an online course that engages viewers, drives conversions, and maximizes sales is a daunting task. However, with the right strategies and resources, creating an effective interactive video for your online course can be a breeze. If you are looking for a way to offer an engaging, interactive experience for your online course that will help you to maximize its selling potential, then you have come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll provide insights and strategies that you can use to make an interactive video for your course that will capture the attention of potential customers and leave a lasting impression.

Interactive videos have become increasingly popular for online courses, as they provide teachers and students with an engaging and interactive learning experience. They also provide the opportunity to bring content to life and to help students to better comprehend and apply what they’ve learned. 

When creating an interactive video, it is important to keep in mind the target audience. The goal is to create a video that is both interesting and educational, which can help to increase the course’s appeal and help to generate more sales. It is also important to create a video that is easy for students to understand and navigate.

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How to make interactive videos for online courses that will sell

We will explain the steps necessary for creating an interactive video for your online course so you can successfully sell it. 

Step One: Identify the Objective

Before creating an interactive video, it is important to identify the objective of the course. The goal should be to create something that will provide students with an engaging and interactive experience. Determine how the video will help students to better comprehend and apply what they’ve learned. If you are an A-level Physics tutor online, create interactive videos to simplify complex concepts and improve comprehension.

The first step in creating an interactive video for your online course is determining the type of video you would like to use. Options range from traditional video formats such as animated explainer videos and live-action tutorials to more modern solutions such as interactive whiteboard videos and screencasts. Once you decide on the format, you can begin to craft the story and structure of your video that drives conversions, and maximizes sales.

Step Two: Choose the Platform

Once the objective is identified, the next step is to choose the right platform for creating the interactive video. There are several platforms available, such as Wavel, YouTube, Vimeo, and Wistia, so make sure to choose the one that best suits your needs.

Once the structure is in place, you can start thinking about how to make the video more engaging, especially on online coaching platforms. You can add interactive elements such as quizzes, polls, and other activities to keep viewers engaged and motivated you can also use teachable and other similar platforms offers the feature where you can add interactive elements. You can also add elements to the video such as captions, audio, or background music to enhance the experience. Additionally, you can also add graphics and visual cues to keep viewers interested and engaged throughout the video.

Step 3: Use of Social Media Platforms and SEO

Interactive videos have become an essential part of many online courses and have been embraced by teachers and students alike. While videos are an effective teaching tool, it is important to ensure that they reach the widest possible audience. This is where social media and SEO come into play.

When uploading videos, it is important to ensure that they are optimized for SEO, also you can use professional seo services. This means including relevant keywords and phrases in the title, description, and tags of the video. Doing this and implementing SEO domains as a part of the strategy will ensure that the video has the best chance of being found in search engine results. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the video is shareable on social media. This will help the video reach a wider audience, and in turn, increase the potential for engagement.


Want to create interactive video for free? GhostRetail’s interactive shoppable video platform lets you tag products or other calls-to-action to any video, giving possible customers a place to go next after watching your video. We’ve covered some of the best ones in this article. The key is to keep things simple and fun—there’s nothing worse than having people get bored after just five minutes of watching something! The most important thing to remember when creating a video for an online course is that you need the right tools. You also need a plan and know your audience, but if you have those things down pat, don’t be afraid to get creative.