Microsoft has mentioned “Prometheus” technology since they unveiled the new Bing AI search and chat experience. Prometheus was initially advertised as a model to power the fusion of Bing Search and AI conversation. Microsoft has since provided a more thorough technical explanation of how Prometheus functions.

According to Jordi Ribas, Corporate Vice President of Search & AI at Microsoft, “We developed a proprietary technology we call Prometheus, which is a first-of-its-kind AI model that combines the cutting-edge and thorough Bing index, ranking, and answers results with the creative reasoning capabilities of OpenAI’s most-advanced GPT models.”

Prometheus. The technology consists of an AI model that Microsoft developed to integrate OpenAI’s GPT models with the Bing index, ranking, and search results. As a result, the material and data that the ChatGPT models utilize to train their models are more recent—almost real-time.

According to what I understand, Bing’s Prometheus technology functions in the following areas:

  • Question translation It transforms your wordy spoken-like question into a manageable conventional search type of query so that Bing Chat can process it and find the material more quickly.
  • The Bing index. It uses the search index on Bing so that Bing Chat can get current information at all times. The “Bing Orchestrator” is what Bing calls it.
  • Google ranking To determine what information should appear in the answer and which documents ChatGPT should use to provide the solutions, the Bing ranking algorithm is included.
  • Bing solutions and outcomes. Additionally, Bing can display information in the form of responses in Bing Chat, such as the weather, sports scores, news headlines, local results, and even advertisements from Bing Search.
  • References and links. Also, Microsoft claimed that only the Prometheus technology allows Bing Talk to provide links and citations to where it found the content, in contrast to ChatGPT.

What is Bing Chat?

Bing Chat is a messaging platform developed by Microsoft that allows users to send and receive text messages, images, videos, and other files. It is integrated into the Bing search engine and is accessible through the website or Bing mobile app. Bing Chat is designed to be a simple, convenient, and secure way to communicate with friends, family, colleagues, and customers.

Bing chat screenshot
Image by Microsoft

Bing Chat supports one-on-one conversations and group chats, with features like read receipts, typing indicators, and the ability to express messages with emojis. It also supports voice and video calls and screen and file sharing. Bing Chat uses Microsoft’s secure cloud infrastructure to protect user data and ensure privacy. It is available on multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android.

Comparison of Bing Chat with other messaging platforms

Bing Chat is different from other messaging platforms in a few key ways:

  • Integration with Bing search engine: Bing Chat is seamlessly integrated with the Bing search engine, allowing users to search the web, find information, and share search results directly within their chat conversations. This feature can save users time and enhance the quality of their discussions.
  • Voice and video call with screen sharing: Bing Chat offers voice and video calls with the added screen sharing feature. This allows users to share their screens with others during a call, making it easier to collaborate, work together, or troubleshoot issues remotely.
  • Business communication features: Bing Chat includes features designed specifically for businesses, such as the ability to create and join meetings, schedule appointments, and access productivity tools like Microsoft Office apps. These features make Bing Chat a valuable tool for team communication and collaboration.
  • Microsoft security and privacy: Bing Chat is developed and maintained by Microsoft, which has a strong reputation for security and privacy. Bing Chat uses Microsoft’s secure cloud infrastructure to protect user data and ensure privacy, making it a reliable and trustworthy platform for messaging and communication.
  • Cross-platform availability: Bing Chat is available on multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. This means users can access Bing Chat from various devices, making staying connected easily with friends, family, colleagues, and customers.

Overall, Bing Chat’s integration with the Bing search engine, voice and video call with screen sharing, business communication features, and Microsoft security and privacy make it a unique and valuable messaging platform for personal and professional use.

Here’s a comparison of Bing Chat with other popular messaging platforms:


  • Both offer end-to-end encryption for secure messaging
  • WhatsApp has a more extensive user base, with over 2 billion users worldwide, compared to Bing Chat’s smaller user base
  • Bing Chat is integrated with the Bing search engine, while WhatsApp is not
  • WhatsApp allows users to make voice and video calls to individuals or groups, while Bing Chat offers these features as well as screen sharing
  • Bing Chat API is designed to provide conversational AI capabilities, while WhatsApp API is tailored for medium to large businesses to communicate with their customers on WhatsApp.

Facebook Messenger:

  • Both offer the ability to send text messages, images, videos, and other types of files
  • Facebook Messenger has a more extensive user base with over 1.3 billion monthly active users, compared to Bing Chat’s smaller user base
  • Bing Chat is integrated with the Bing search engine, while Facebook Messenger is integrated with Facebook’s social network platform
  • Facebook Messenger allows users to make voice and video calls to individuals or groups, while Bing Chat offers these features as well as screen sharing


Both provide end-to-end encryption for secure messaging

  • iMessage is exclusively available on Apple devices, while Bing Chat is available on multiple platforms
  • Bing Chat is integrated with the Bing search engine, while iMessage is integrated with Apple’s messaging app
  • iMessage offers features such as emojis and sticker packs, while Bing Chat provides features such as reactions and screen sharing

Overall, Bing Chat stands out with its integration with the Bing search engine and its ability to make voice and video calls with screen sharing. However, it currently has a smaller user base than other messaging platforms.

How Bing Chat’s Features Can Benefit Users

Bing Chat’s features can benefit users in several ways, including:

  • Quick and easy access to information: Bing Chat’s integration with the Bing search engine allows users to quickly search the web and share results directly within their chat conversations. This can save users time and effort, making conversations more efficient and productive.
  • Improved collaboration and communication: Bing Chat’s voice and video calls with screen sharing can help users collaborate more effectively with colleagues, work together on projects, and troubleshoot issues remotely. This feature can save time and increase productivity.
  • Enhanced productivity: Bing Chat’s business communication features, such as the ability to create and join meetings, schedule appointments, and access productivity tools like Microsoft Office apps, can help users stay organized and get more done. These features make Bing Chat a valuable tool for team communication and collaboration.
  • Secure and private communication: Bing Chat’s use of Microsoft’s secure cloud infrastructure ensures that user data is protected and kept confidential. This can give users peace of mind knowing their conversations and information are safe.
  • Cross-platform availability: Bing Chat’s availability on multiple platforms means users can access their conversations and information from various devices, making it easier to stay connected and productive on the go.

Overall, Bing Chat’s features can benefit users by saving time, enhancing collaboration and communication, improving productivity, ensuring privacy and security, and providing flexibility and accessibility through cross-platform availability.

Use cases for Bing Chat

There are several use cases for Bing Chat, including:

  • Personal communication: Bing Chat can be used for private communication between friends and family. Users can chat, make voice and video calls, and share information and media, all within the app.
  • Business communication: Bing Chat’s business communication features, such as the ability to create and join meetings, schedule appointments, and access productivity tools, make it a valuable tool for team communication and collaboration in a work setting. Users can use Bing Chat to communicate with colleagues, clients, and customers and work together on projects. Find out more tools and details on webthat.
  • Customer service: Bing Chat can be used for customer service, allowing businesses to support customers through chat conversations. This can be a quick and efficient way to resolve issues and answer questions, improving customer satisfaction.
  • Education: Bing Chat can be used in education settings for remote learning and collaboration between students and teachers. Voice and video call with screen sharing can be used for virtual classes and tutoring sessions, and chat conversations can be used for group projects and communication.
  • Personal assistant: Bing Chat’s integration with the Bing search engine can be used to access information and assistance on various topics, such as finding directions, checking the weather, and searching for recipes. Users can chat with Bing to get answers to their questions and complete tasks.

Bing Chat can be used for various personal and professional purposes, including communication, collaboration, customer service, education, and personal assistance.

Discussion of potential challenges or limitations of using Bing Chat 

Bing Chat is an AI chatbot developed by Microsoft Corporation and designed to provide users with automated responses to their queries. While Bing Chat has several benefits, including its ability to provide instant answers to users and its integration with other Microsoft products, some challenges and limitations are associated with its use. Some of these challenges and constraints include:

  • Limited language support: Bing Chat may only support some languages and dialects, which could limit its usefulness for users who speak languages that are not supported. This could also make it difficult for users to communicate with the bot effectively.
  • Inability to understand complex queries: While Bing Chat is designed to understand and respond to user queries, it may need help understanding complex or ambiguous questions. This could lead to incorrect responses or frustration on the user’s part.
  • Limited customization options: Bing Chat may not allow users to customize their responses or tailor their behaviour to specific needs or preferences. This could limit its usefulness for users who require more personalized or particular answers.
  • Dependence on machine learning algorithms: Bing Chat relies on machine learning algorithms to understand user queries and provide responses. While these algorithms constantly improve, they may only sometimes provide accurate or relevant answers to user queries.
  • Security and privacy concerns: Bing Chat may collect and store user data, which could pose security and privacy concerns for users. Additionally, there may be potential risks associated with sharing personal information with a chatbot.

While Bing Chat has several benefits, it is essential to consider these challenges and limitations. Users should also be aware of the potential risks of sharing personal information with a chatbot and take steps to protect their privacy and security.

Final thoughts on why Bing Chat is a great messaging platform to consider

Despite the challenges and limitations discussed earlier, Bing Chat remains an excellent messaging platform to consider for several reasons:

  • Seamless integration: Bing Chat seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft products, making it an ideal option for users using Microsoft services such as Office 365, SharePoint, and Microsoft Teams.
  • Instant response: Bing Chat provides instant answers to user queries, which is particularly useful for businesses requiring quick and efficient customer service.
  • Accessibility: Bing Chat is accessible through various devices and platforms, including desktop and mobile devices, making it simple and easy for users to communicate with the Chatbot from anywhere.
  • Convenience: Bing Chat eliminates the need for human customer service representatives to respond to simple queries, saving businesses time and money.
  • Constant improvement: Bing Chat is constantly improving through machine learning algorithms, which means it will improve at understanding and responding to user queries over time.

Overall, Bing Chat is a great messaging platform for businesses and individuals looking for a convenient, efficient, and accessible way to communicate with customers or colleagues. While it may have some limitations, its benefits make it a helpful tool.

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • Can you chat on Bing?

The other major news is the addition of voice chat; the ChatGPT-powered Bing can now converse with you verbally, making it more like Microsoft’s Cortana voice assistant.

  • How do I access Bing AI chat?

If you want to access the chatbot, you can click the “Let’s chat” button or the “Chat” button at the bottom of the search box. Quick tip: If you want to access the Chat directly, you can always click the “Chat” option on the Bing homepage. As you open the Chat, the experience will transition to the chatbot page.

  • What is Bing AI chatbot?

The AI augments Bing’s traditional search engine, but the new speech to text technology also functions separately as a chatbot, a computer program that converses with human users. People testing the new product can toggle to a chat function, where they can carry on a back-and-forth with Bing.

  • How to use Bing chatbot?

Tapping the Bing icon at the bottom will invoke a chat session, where you can engage in all the same ways you can from the desktop. Ask simple or complex questions and receive answers and citations. Choose how you want your answers displayed – bullet points, text or simplified responses.