How to make your Product Demo Videos standout from competition?

What do you think of when you hear the word “demo”? Boring, right? Well, that may be true for demos that are dry and uninteresting. In fact, uninspiring product demo videos are a problem in almost every industry—so much so that many customers won’t even see products or services until they have been significantly updated. However, a great demo video can actually be one of the best tools for selling your product to potential customers. 

A recent Wyzowl study revealed that 69% of consumers prefer to watch a short video to learn more about a brand’s products or services.

With 84% of people saying they’ve been convinced to make a purchase based on a brand’s video, it’s clear video marketing is the future and product demo videos are a lucrative path forward. A well-executed demo video demonstrates exactly why your product is worth buying. But what kind of product demonstrations will convince your audience to buy your product?

Why most product demo videos look the same?

The most common mistake product demo video makers make is the same thing they do in their website: they just record themselves talking. That’s it. They’re not thinking about what they need to show, which may be obvious to a product manager but not to an audience who might have little to no experience with the product. They’re also not thinking about how they need to present it.

There are so many different ways you can present your product. For example, what’s important for your audience to see? What do you want them to know about it? What do you want them to feel about it?

If you tell your audience something, but don’t show them something, then you’re doing yourself a disservice.

Tips on how to create your own standout demo video

  • Be Spontaneous and Authentic
  • Show, don’t just tell
  • Be transparent about your Product’s flaws
  • Use Real Customer Testimonials
  • Give Viewers a chance to interact with your Product

Be Spontaneous and Authentic

The best product demos are authentic and spontaneous. A lot of marketing executives have the urge to script out their demos, but this actually ends up sounding false and rehearsed. Instead, try to go off-script and engage in a real, unscripted conversation about your product. Your authenticity will shine through in a way that standard, over-rehearsed demos simply can’t match. If you’re cost-conscious and don’t have the budget for a studio, don’t sweat it. You can still record a great demo by setting up your video camera in an area where you feel comfortable and confident. You’ll come across as more authentic if you record your demo in a place where you relax and let your true self shine. Same principle applies to employer brand videos.

Show, Don’t Just Tell

For the most part, people don’t really like to read. They prefer to see what you’re talking about rather than simply read your words on a page. When you’re presenting your product, don’t simply talk about what each feature does. Instead, show them by actually using your product. If your product is a car, get behind the wheel and show viewers how it works.

If your product is a piece of software, demonstrate how it’s used. If you can, bring in other people to demonstrate your product and how it works. For example, you can create an interactive product walkthrough to guide potential users through key features and functionalities. This hands-on experience allows them to see the software in action, helping to highlight its ease of use, efficiency, and unique benefits.

If you’re selling a car, have an expert behind the wheel and show viewers how easy it is to drive.

If you’re selling software, have a representative from your company demonstrate how the program is used. Don’t just talk about your product and its features—actually show them in action.

Be Transparent About Your Product’s Flaws

Not every product has zero drawbacks, and if you try to pretend that yours does, your potential customers will see right through you. When you’re demonstrating your product, mention any potential flaws or issues. For example, if you’re selling a car, mention that the car has some blind spots and isn’t perfect. This will show viewers that you’re being transparent and genuine—while also giving them a chance to ask follow-up questions and engage with you. If you’re selling software, don’t pretend that it’s 100% perfect and problem-free. Instead, add the occasional bumps in the road, but also let your customers know what you’ve done to address those problems and make the product better. Trustworthy companies are transparent about their products—and the flaws within them—and this makes them seem more trustworthy.

Use Real Customer Testimonials

Product demonstration videos are great, but what if you don’t have any customers to actually use them? If you don’t have customers yet, don’t worry. You can still have testimonials, but they will have to be fictional instead of real. While these can be effective, they don’t have the same power as real testimonials. If you can find an actual customer to appear on camera and discuss their experience with your product, all the better. If you don’t have any real testimonials (or you can’t get an actual person to appear on camera), you can still try to get the same effect. Just write up the testimonial and have the person read it out loud. This won’t be as effective as a real testimonial, but it can still make a big impact.

Give Viewers A Chance To Interact With Your Product

Studies show that if website visitors watch a demo video, they are 1.81 times more likely to make a purchase or become your client than visitors who haven’t watched the video. One of the best ways to show off your product and make it memorable is to let people actually use it. If you’re selling a car, bring the car to the location where you’re filming your demo.

Let viewers get inside the car and sit in the driver’s seat. Let them play with the dashboard, use the controls, and push the buttons. If you’re selling software, let people use it for real. If you’re selling a game, let viewers play it. If you’re selling a pair of headphones, let people listen to music on them. If you’re selling a product, let people engage with it in some way. Letting people use your product for real is much more memorable than simply talking about it.

The best product demos don’t just talk about your product—they actually show it. If you can bring your product to the location where you’re filming your demo, even better. Whatever you do, don’t just read your product’s features off a piece of paper. Your best bet is to be spontaneous and authentic, show your product in action, be transparent about its flaws, use real customer testimonials, and give viewers a chance to interact with your product.

Some Examples of Best Demo Videos That Stand Out From The Competition:

There are a number of factors that go into making a best demo video. The most important thing is to ensure that the video is representative of your product or service. Here are some examples of best demo videos that stand out from the competition:

1. SurveyMonkey

With a simple video of just 2 minutes, this video does a remarkable job of highlighting the benefits of SurveyMonkey along with giving the viewers a walk-through of the interface. It even highlights significant factors including how it can be integrated with Slack among others.

2. Slack

Slack uses this video to break down a common misconception that their platform is only for sending private messages. They walk viewers through how teams can communicate using their interface along with emphasizing on the key features of the platform.

3. Duolingo

Duolingo is a renowned app for learning new languages. This video does more than just explain the user interface. It further validates the effectiveness of the application with valid facts.

4. Zoom

This is a classic example of a product demo video. A feature-specific script that immediately jumps into how professionals can use and benefit from Zoom. This is educational in nature and emphasizes the importance of Zoom and what it has to offer.

5. Peloton

This product video begins with an origin story of the Peloton bicycle and quickly moves to the benefits. Before you know it, the video is speaking to viewer pain points intriguing the viewers.


If you agree with our thoughts on the simple ways to make your product demos stand out, we have the perfect solution to make your video one of the best product demo videos. An additional factor that can impact the reach of your videos is to localize it. With, you can add captions subtitles, add humanistic voice overs and more! We, at, are here to redefine product demo videos! Check out our one stop solution to localize your video and make your product demo video stand out!


What is a Product Demonstration Video?

Product demonstrations are an important marketing tool that can help demonstrate the value of a product to potential customers. They can be used to show how the product works, how it can be used, or how it looks.

How to make a good product demo video?

The first thing to do is think about what it is you want to showcase. One of the most important parts of any good demo video is to keep things short and sweet. This will help keep your viewer’s attention while still giving them enough information to understand what you’re trying to say. A good rule of thumb is to keep your demo under three minutes long and no longer than 15 slides. also If you can use one of video testimonial apps as well as find an actual customer to appear on camera and discuss their experience with your product, all the better.

What should be in the best product demonstration video?

Demonstrations should be short and engaging, so they grab your viewer’s attention and encourage interest in your product. By choosing the right format and making sure your video is clear, concise, and easy to understand, you will be well on your way to creating an effective product demonstration video that will entice people to buy. Making