Do you want to navigate to a point in a recorded discussion quickly? Or want to find an action item from an hours-long meeting recording? Transcribing long audio into text is an excellent way of quickly navigating to any required information. That’s because it allows you to store information as scannable and searchable text.

With the right AI tool by your side, transcription can be faster and more cost-efficient than ever. In this blog, we will take you through all the possible ways of transcribing audio and explain how you can transcribe large audio and video files faster and cost-efficiently with Wavel AI.

What is Audio Transcription

Audio transcription is the process of converting anything spoken in an audio into text. You can transcribe any audio or video content into text format.
With the help of an audio transcription tool, you can convert audio to text for meetings, podcasts, interviews, TV episodes, court proceedings, or anything in between. Transcription was a time-consuming and costly affair until only human transcription service providers did it. However, with recent AI advancements, converting speech to text is way easier.

Why is Audio & Video Transcription so Important

Transcription is essential for producing a written record of audio or video. It provides clear spoken words, eliminates audio distractions, and perfectly records the message in textual form.

Here are some prominent reasons that make audio and video transcription necessary.

1. Improved Accessibility

Transcription bridges the gap for those who are deaf or hard of hearing. They can access the information just like anyone else. Moreover, adding subtitles through transcription helps the audience to view content in sound-sensitive environments.

For instance, people might watch videos in noisy places like gyms or public commutes. Video captions will allow them to follow along without needing audio. Moreover, transcripts cater to the preferences of people who simply learn and retain information better by reading.

2. Content Repurposing

Content repurposing is a great way to make your content accessible in various formats. Once your audio or video content is transcribed, you can repurpose it as articles, blogs, social media posts, or any other form of written content. Ultimately, it will allow you to reach a larger audience through various content channels.

3. Translation Purposes

Transcription is an easy and effective way of making any content viewable to a diverse audience. Transcribing the audio in your preferred language is a quick and easy way to consume any audio or visual content.

Possible Ways of Transcribing Audio to Text

Transcription has existed since human speech was documented. From humans transcribing texts to AI automating the process, there are three ways of transcribing audio to text.

The easiest and most cost-efficient way of transcribing audio is to do it manually. Another way to do it is to pay for a human transcription service that will charge you a specific fee and deliver the transcribed file in a few days to a few weeks.

The third and most affordable option to transcribe your audio is to do it with an AI transcription tool. With these tools, you can transcribe any audio almost instantly.

Transcribe Audios Faster With Wavel AI

AI transcription is the fastest and easiest way to transcribe audio or video content. Herein are some important factors that a transcription tool like Wavel AI entails:

  • Simple Integration
  • Faster Turnaround Time
  • Low Cost
  • An accuracy level that no other software can match

Simply put, it can be your go-to application that transcribes audio to text under definite conditions. The best option you want for 99%+ Accurate transcription services will ultimately depend on your final outline for budget development and accuracy.

Keeping these great features and faster turnaround in mind, Wavel AI is the right fit for any voice solution for your content. Here is how you can transcribe your audio using Wavel AI

  1. Open to the web browser on your PC.
  2. Sign up for Wavel Studio.
  3. Click Subtitles on the Dashboard to go to the transcription tool.
  4. Upload the video from your local storage or simply paste the link for YouTube videos.
  5. Select the language in the audio/video.
  6. Now select the language in which you want to transcribe it.
    Wavel AI Transcription options
  7. Go through the generated transcript and make changes as needed.
  8. Click Generate to get your transcribed file ready.

Effortless and Swift Transcription is now Possible

Transcription opens doors for several opportunities, making your content accessible to a larger audience. It also taps into the audience who prefer reading or have hearing disabilities. However, choosing the right transcription tool is crucial to avoid a longer turnaround time. 

Wavel AI’s transcription tool keeps you from the hassle of generating transcripts on your own. It processes the audio you upload with the maximum transcription accuracy possible. The best part? You can also review and edit your transcripts on the go and get the content ready almost instantly.

So, sign up for Wavel Studio and try out our transcription tool for free.


Q. How to Transcribe Audio to Text for Free?

A. A. Manual transcription is one way to transcribe your audio to text for free. However, if you want a quick way to transcribe audio, you can use Wavel AI’s AI transcription tool that converts any audio or video to text instantly.

Q. How do I convert audio to text transcript?

A. There are several online tools that can transcribe audio to text for you. These tools use speech recognition technology to convert the spoken words into text. Some popular options include Wavel AI, Happy Scribe, and Notta.

Q. How can I convert my voice to text?

A. There are various ways to convert your voice to text, such as voice typing feature in Google Docs, Android’s built in keyboard dictation feature, etc. However, if you want to transcribe your recorded voice to text, you can use Wavel AI’s transcription tool.