Arabic Captions

Add Arabic captions to your video content using Wavel to make it accessible to your target audience.

Wavel how it works

Increase Content Accessibility with Arabic Captions

To add Arabic captions to your video, use Wavel. With a few clicks and no manual post-production, Arabic captions are ready to be shared with all of your viewers for an unrivalled experience.

Upload your Arabic language file to Wavel either by importing it from a folder or dragging and dropping it.

Wavel Repurpose
Wavel Repurpose

Select ‘Captions’ from the menu. Set the language to Arabic, and click ‘Start.’ Arabic captions for your file will begin.

Select ‘Export’ to download the file, and share it in any custom file format.

Wavel Repurpose

Auto Subtitle Generator Online | Generate Arabic Captions for YouTube Videos

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