Translate Portuguese Video to Russian Text

Reach more corners of the world with Russian translations. Translate your Portuguese video file in just a few clicks, only with Wavel.

Wavel how it works

Generate Best-in-Class Russian Translations

Need blazing-fast transcriptions or translation of Portuguese Video. Wavel AI, the powerful tool, awaits you. Achieve Russian Translations by converting Portuguese video. Wavel accepts multiple audio/video language files in MP3, MP4, and WAV files and transcribes them to the language of your choice.

Upload your video on Wavel’s platform. Simply drag and drop a file by selecting a file from your folders.

Wavel Repurpose
Wavel Repurpose

Select ‘Translate’ and choose Russian. Click ‘Submit’, platform will start generating accurate Russian translations for your Arabic video.

Choose file type and select ‘Export’. Your file with Russian text is ready to go!

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Wavel Repurpose

Once you open your Wavel account, click on the 'Import Audio or Video file' and select transcription. Select the transcription language of your choice before processing for transcription. Post the completion of the file, you can download the audio transcription in multiple file formats.

Yes, one can easily translate an audio file with Wavel's 20+ global languages to choose from.

All file formats are available on Wavel's Dashboard, such as MP3, WAV, MOV, MP4 files

No, all audio Translations requires a subscription plan.