How To Unlock More From One Piece Of Content To Reach A Wider Audience By Using Video Localization Solutions At Just 10% Production CostCultural and Linguistic appropriation is a stepping stone for video localization. One barrier you will need to overcome to reach a wider audience is the language and the cultural context.

Think about the language you use; it has a cultural history and a niche that it caters to. When you think about expanding the reach of your content beyond that niche, It is necessary to consider not using confusing and complex references. It can get exhausting and completely alienate the audience. 

There are ways through which you can localize your content based on your requirements, like budget, time, and market. It is practically cost-ineffective to recreate the content in a different language and include that niche-specific references. Video localization solutions are essential for accessibility and improving marketability, and a few ways are translation, subtitles, and dubbing. 

Content localization

Localization is not limited to subtitles. SEOs are the major hack through which one can gain higher rankings in search engines, generating more views since the page will be more seen on the results page. The Keywords used in the content are key. 

If the content is being focused on a broad and different audience, it is necessary to keep the cultural notations and beliefs in mind. Sometimes the simplest things can attract or deter the audience. 


There are many methods and tactics that can be used for marketing and video localization. It is necessary to develop a strategy that can narrow down the tactics and techniques to be used and not just become a pile of complicated things that can be used. 

For creating a strategy, it is necessary to research the target market or markets. It will help understand the audience best; what they like, what the current trend is, and What their interests and attitudes are. Utilizing the Google Trends API can provide valuable insights into trending keywords and topics.

When it comes to methods, One way of localizing is through completely recreating the content for that specific market, but the issue is budget and practicality. There is inflation in the economy, and there has been relatively less to offer in the market regarding video content. Content creation requires money, and recreating that would consume a lot of money and time. It would not be the most economical option, but there are options to localize by using video localization tools that cater to your specific needs. 

Nowadays, creating videos for a specific population is a gamble. Due to inflation and economic regression, everyone is looking to save money. People have become wary of the risks and refrain from spending on content localization. Wavel helps you with that problem by giving the best localization services which are also economical. Wavel is a tool that provides services like audio dubbing and subtitling. These tools are practical to include in creating your strategy. 

Netflix mentioned that the viewership for dubbed movies and shows increased by 120% from 2020 to 2021. It shows how movies are becoming global, and localization has become key to their success. Consider the example of the show “All of us are dead,” which has been dubbed in 14 languages due to demand. The audience would be able to know more and understand much better if it was in their language. 

Platforms that provide the tools 

Wavel provides post-production services at just 10% production cost. Quality assurance is guaranteed with Wavel. Nowadays, companies and production houses are choosing language solutions like the ones Wavel provides. They recycle one piece of content into many more per the target audience at minimal post-production cost.

If you manually add subtitles and captions, you must manage the process, which is tedious. Tools like TMS translation management software provide the means to keep track of all the simultaneous works. But the time, effort, and money required by manual tasks would outweigh the product. 


One way to tap into the various communities is to research the market and recognize cultural aspects and community needs. The video would also need an impressive thumbnail that emphasizes the message of the video content you want to put up. You can include social media tactics for markets with snippets and stories. Integrating with other marketing techniques would also boost the reach of the content. 

The future of non-toxic social media lies in tapping into the diverse communities that exist online. This can be achieved by conducting thorough market research and identifying the cultural aspects and community needs that are specific to each group. For example, by understanding the unique preferences and trends within the footwear market, a social media platform could tailor its content and engagement strategies to resonate with sneaker enthusiasts and collectors. Once this information is gathered, it can be used to create targeted and engaging content that resonates with these communities.

To ensure that this content reaches as many people as possible, it is important to use effective marketing techniques. This can include creating an impressive thumbnail that highlights the key message of the video, as well as incorporating social media tactics such as snippets and stories to engage with audiences on multiple platforms.

In addition, integrating non-toxic social media strategies with other marketing techniques, such as influencer marketing or well-defined email marketing strategy, can further boost the reach of the content and help to build a strong, engaged audience.

Overall, by prioritizing the needs of diverse communities and using effective marketing techniques, the future of non-toxic social media is bright, and has the potential to bring people together in meaningful ways online.


To summarize, video localization is the key to reaching a wider audience. Make your content accessible in a new language with subtitles, dubbing, or recreating the content based on your requirements. 

To get started with the strategy for expanding your reach. You can check out Wavel’s services and book a demo. It has solutions from captions to dubbing. It is also one of the most cost-effective services that you can avail at just 10% of your production cost.