Hindi Dubbing Services

Dub Your Chosen Content in Hindi and Tap into a Vast New Market of Over 322 Million Hindi Speakers.

Wavel how it works

Break Language Barriers with High-Quality Hindi Audio.

Unlock a World of Opportunities with AI Dubbing Voice in Hindi Audio Localization. Expand Your Global Reach with Wavel Ai audio dubbing Production.

The initial stage involves uploading a file to Wavel's dashboard, where you can select the file from our in-built integrations or employ the drag-and-drop method, including the use of Video Dub AI.

Wavel Repurpose
Wavel Repurpose

Opt for 'Dubbing' and select the Hindi Language. Then, click 'Submit,' and Wavel, utilizing AI audio dubbing, will automatically generate your Hindi dubbed file.

Select the file type and then click 'Export.' Your video, enhanced with Hindi audio using the AI dubbing tool, is ready for download.

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Wavel Repurpose

Dubbing Hindi audio onto a video allows you to localized the content for Hindi speaking audiences. There are a few simple steps to dub Hindi audio to video using Wavel AI. First, you need to upload the original video file to the Wavel dashboard. Then select the 'Dubbing' option and choose Hindi as the target language. You will need to provide a script in Hindi that matches the timing and context of the original audio. Wavel AI uses neural text-to-speech technology to synthesize high quality Hindi dubbed audio based on the script. Next, you can preview the dubbed audio file side by side with the original video to check for synchronization. Once satisfied, you can export the dubbed Hindi video file for distribution. Wavel AI handles the entire dubbing workflow easily to help expand the reach of your content.

Dubbing a video into another language allows you to localize the content for new audiences. With Wavel AI, you can easily dub videos into over 20 different languages including Hindi, Tamil, Spanish, French and more. The dubbing process involves uploading the original video on the Wavel dashboard. Then under the 'Dubbing' option, select the target language you want to dub the video into. You will need to provide a script in that language which matches the context and timing of the original audio track. Wavel uses neural text-to-speech to synthesize high quality dubbed audio based on the script. The AI also automatically synchronizes the dubbed audio with the video. You can preview and export the dubbed video file in the target language. Wavel offers a hassle-free dubbing workflow to transcreate videos affordably and reach wider global audiences.

Yes, you can upload Hindi dubbed video files that were created using other platforms onto the Wavel AI dashboard. This allows you to leverage Wavel's other tools for further localization needs without having to redub the content from scratch. When uploading dubbed video files, ensure they follow standard codecs and formats for smooth playback. Wavel supports popular video formats like MP4, MOV, AVI etc. It can also extract audio from video files for processing needs such as translation or transcription. So whether you dubbed videos in-house or hired studios, you can leverage your existing dubbed content on Wavel. The platform integrates well with other systems through import/export features. This facilitates a centralized dubbing and localization workflow on a single platform.

While Wavel AI offers a free trial version to explore dubbing Hindi audio, generating high quality dubbed outputs at scale would require a paid subscription. The free trial allows dubbing short clips of up to 1 minute long into Hindi to help you assess the AI system's capabilities. However, for commercial use-cases like dubbing full-length videos, educational courses etc., a paid subscription is necessary. Wavel has affordable pricing plans tailor-made for different business needs. For non-commercial personal dubbing requests under 5 minutes, you could also request a special waiver through their support team on a case-by-case basis. In summary, while a free dubbing option is not available long-term, the platform provides very cost-effective subscription tiers for businesses and creators looking to dub into Hindi and other languages globally.