Japanese Captions

Give your videos a chance to become more interesting and provide
viewers with a more natural viewing experience if you add Japanese captioning to your video content.

Wavel how it works

Increase Content Accessibility with Japanese Captions

Searching for Japanese subtitles for any streaming video or online education materials? You've found it! Wavel produces Japanese captions in 4 times less time and lets you download them right away in the format of your choice.

Upload your Japanese language file to Wavel either by importing it from a folder or dragging and dropping it.

Wavel Repurpose
Wavel Repurpose

Select ‘Captions’ from the menu. Set the language to Japanese, and click ‘Start.’ Japanese captions for your file will begin

Once, the Japanese caption file is ready, you can modify the styles and click ‘Export’.

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Wavel Repurpose

Wavel AI allows you to easily add captions to your video in various languages, including Japanese. Simply select the Japanese language option, and Wavel AI will generate accurate captions to enhance your video content.

Adding captions to a different video is straightforward with Wavel AI. Choose the video you want to caption, upload it to the platform, and then select the language (Japanese, in this case) along with any other preferences to generate captions for your specific video.

Yes, Wavel AI supports the upload of files from other platforms. If you have videos or audio files with Japanese content from external sources, you can easily bring them into Wavel AI to add captions or make other modifications.

Wavel AI offers both free and premium plans. You can add Japanese captions for free with basic features, and if you need additional options or customization, you may consider exploring the premium plans for an enhanced experience.